November 2014 Resources
Last year, the coalition hosted a meeting so our members could learn about the Pueblo unit that was slated to open. We promised a follow-up meeting to check in and thought that the best way to help you get a sense of the program would be to visit it. So, this month, we met there to take tours and have Q & A time from program supervisors.
William Rosenbeck, Superintendent Connecticut Juvenile Training School
Kristy Ramsey, Assistant Superintendent, Pueblo Unit
Allon Kallisher, Regional Administrator: DCF Region 3
Thank you for all who came to our meeting at the Pueblo Unit at Solnit South and a huge thank you to DCF's Bill Rosenbeck, Kristy Ramsey, and Allon Kallisher for inviting us in to the facility.
Below are the resources to follow up on our conversation.
Click here for the Children's Behavioral Health Plan (PA 13-178)
Click here for information about Intensive Trauma Services
You can click here for the link to our Public Meeting Handout
Click here for a great slideshow about CT's Juvenile Justice System