Are you up for the Challenge of creating the world we all need?

Changing what we know can change how we see the world. Changing how we see the world can change our actions and the world itself. Whether you do it on your own or with others, the Challenge provides structure and resources that you can use to join in - or continue - the work of identifying and dismantling racism in our food system while creating equity for all. We are busy updating this year's set of daily email prompts and everything else you'll need to get started! New this year, we are adding more tools for groups and organizations to meaningfully participate in the Challenge. Read on for the details and links. We hope you will join us on the next leg of this journey! - Food Solutions New England
About this year's Challenge
We are excited for you to join the 6th annual 21-Day Racial Equity Habit-Building Challenge, inspired by the work of Debby Irving, Dr. Eddie Moore and Dr. Marguerite Pennick-Parks. The Challenge has grown to several thousand participants representing all the US states as well as several other countries. The material is updated each year so, even if you've done the Challenge before, there is something here for you in 2020.
Overview of the Challenge
What is it and how does it work? Why is FSNE doing this? How can I register? Check it out.
New: Be listed as an Organizational Participant
When you register this year, you will have the option to have your business, organization, school or other group listed as officially participating in the Racial Equity Challenge (event though everyone should still register with their individual email addresses to get the daily prompts). Building racial equity and dismantling racism is best done as a team effort whenever possible. Let's show the world we are committed.
New: Racial Equity Challenge Facilitators Orientation Webinar (March 12)
A one-hour webinar open to anyone, anywhere who plans to lead conversations in support of their group or organization's Racial Equity Challenge participation. See Tools for Groups for more info.
New: Racial Equity Challenge Facilitators Training: One-Day Workshop in Durham, NH
Open to anyone in New England that plans to lead conversations in support of their group or organization's Racial Equity Challenge participation. Learn participatory facilitation skills and connect with others doing racial equity work around the region. See Tools for Groups for more info. There is no charge for this workshop, but space is limited.
New: Mini grants of up $1000 for grassroots groups in New England to support group discussions and convenings
Offered in collaboration with New England Grassroots Environment Fund's Seed Grant program and the Garfield Foundation. See Tools for Groups for more info. Open to groups in the New England states and other guidelines apply.
Download the Discussion Guide
The Discussion Guide is a companion to the daily prompts and other resources and will help small groups convene and facilitate helpful conversations. Link to the Discussion Guide.
Racial Equity Challenge Launch Webinar - coming soon!
If you register for the Challenge or are on the FSNE mailing list, you'll get an alert with full details about this year's Launch Webinar. Our honored webinar guest this year will be Debby Irving, author of Waking Up White and one of the primary inspirations for the 21-Day Racial Equity Challenge!
Help spread the word with this Outreach Kit
Here's a web page with all the key details and images you can use on social media. Don't forget to use the #FSNEEquityChallenge hashtag!
Are you on Facebook?
Here is the Facebook Event for this year's Challenge. Please indicate "you're going" and share the event to your network!