It's a TWEETSTORM!! It's a DAY OF ACTION!! We need your help to make sure child care is included in the stimulus package!
Please tweet at some point today, using the hashtags and the sample tweets below from the toolkit. Or you can share your own experiences. It's imperative that our Members of Congress hear from us today. Things are moving fast!
Tell your Members of Congress to act immediately to provide at least $50 billion in child care funding to states to address these needs in the third COVID-19 stimulus package.
Sample tweets and a toolkit can be found HERE.
Hashtags, which can also be found in the document, are #FundChildCare and #ChildCareNow
Twitter Handles for our CT Delegation:
Chris Murphy - @ChrisMurphyCT
Richard Blumenthal - @SenBlumenthal
John Larson - @RepJohnLarson
Joe Courtney - @RepJoeCourtney
Rosa DeLauro - @rosadelauro
Jim Himes - @jahimes
Jahana Hayes - @RepJahanaHayes
From our friends at NAEYC:
Why does Congress need to #FundChildCare in the emergency stimulus package?
To protect the health and safety of essential workers and their children
To support small businesses
To make sure child care programs exist in the recovery
To prevent tens of thousands of workers from losing their jobs
To keep the child care industry from collapsing.
To help American families
To stabilize an essential service
To stimulate consumer spending
To provide the quality care children and families need, now and in the future
You can also CALL your Members of Congress TODAY!!
Tell them that the pandemic bailout bill needs to make sure we don't lose child care programs during the shutdown, and to include at least $50 billion in the third stimulus package.
PROVIDERS: Now is the time to have a frank conversation with whoever answers the phone in your MOC's office regarding your financial situation. What is the likelihood of the program re-opening? Tell them how it's impacting your program.
Please call!
Senator Murphy (860) 549-8463
Senator Blumenthal Hartford (860) 258-6940 Bridgeport (203) 330-0598
Congresswoman DeLauro (203) 562-3718
Congresswoman Hayes (860) 223-8412
Congressman Larson (860) 278-8888
Congressman Courtney Norwich (860) 886-0139 Enfield (860) 741-6011
Congressman Himes Bridgeport (203) 333-6600 Stamford (203) 353-9400