Upcoming Events: Click Here for all upcoming Events and webinar links.
Click Here to Get Information and Recordings from All Past Webinars and Events.
Most Important Websites
COVID Straight Talk: Great information about making your program space safe
CT Office of Early Childhood COVID-19 Website for the most current information
State of Connecticut Coronavirus Website, including the State's Travel Advisory and Who is an Essential Worker in Connecticut?
Early Care & Education (ECE) list serve. Please go to this page and hit subscribe and put in your email!
State of Connecticut SNAP Response COVID-19: additional benefits
Sample Policy from ECE Partners in CT
Advocacy Links
DCF Links for Providers
Partner Websites with Helpful Resources
Talk It Out Website for Mental Health 1-833-258-5011
COMCAST Internet Essentials: low cost or free internet and/or computer
The Middlesex United Way also has a great website that lists local resource. Check it out!
Middletown resource list for families with young children (also helpful for other communities)
Past Meetings and Webinars
For any webinar after July 31st, 2023, click here.
July 31, 2023: DPH Commissioner Juthani
July 24, 2023: John Foti, Federal Lobbiest and OEC BCIS Presentation
July 18, 2023: Atty. Danny Livingston, Labor Law and Paid Family Leave
July 10, 2023: Commissioner Bye and WBDC
June 26, 2023: PEER
June 12, 2023: Legislative Wrap-up
June 5, 2023: Comptroller's Office COVID Pay
May 22, 2023: CT Paid Family Leave Authority
May 15, 2023: Legislative and Advocacy Updates
May 8, 2023: Commissioner Bye and CBIA Health Insurance
May 1, 2023: Legislative Update
April 24, 2023:
April 17, 2023: Blue Ribbon Panel
April 3, 2023: Governor's Budget
March 13, 2023: OEC on New Expansion of Contracted Infant Toddler Slots
February 27, 2023: OEC Commissioner Beth Bye and OEC Team on Wage Supports
February 6, 2023: Office Of Early Childhood Parent Survey
January 30, 2023: Georgia Goldburn Birth to Three Proposal
January 24, 2023: CT Women's Education and Legal Fund Legislative Advocacy
January 9, 2023: Commissioner Beth Bye
December 19, 2022: Commissioner Beth Bye and OEC on BCIS
December 12, 2022: Comptroller's Office on the Essential Workers Premium Pay Program
November 7, 2022: State Dept. of Health on Respiratory Viruses
CDC’s RSV Trend Data by State: https://www.cdc.gov/surveillance/nrevss/rsv/state.html#CT
CDC’s RSV-Net Hospitalization Data: https://www.cdc.gov/rsv/research/rsv-net/dashboard.html
Connecticut Influenza Surveillance Data: https://portal.ct.gov/DPH/Epidemiology-and-Emerging-Infections/Influenza-Surveillance-and-Statistics
CDC Fluview Data: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/weekly/index.htm
Connecticut COVID-19 Surveillance Data: https://data.ct.gov/stories/s/COVID-19-data/wa3g-tfvc/
CDC COVID-19 Data Tracker: https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#datatracker-home
October 24, 2022: Wage Supports for Early Childhood, OEC
October 17, 2022: Resilience Movie Screening (can not share recording due to license restriction) Please contact us for link to movie.
October 3, 3022: CT Grown for CT's Kids
September 12, 2022, OEC Commissioner Beth Bye
August 22, 2022: My CT Savings
August 15, 2022: Making sense of Premium (Hero) Pay and wage supplements
August 8, 2022: Commissioner Beth Bye on COVID Guidance
Mental Health Helpline: CALL 988
Immunization Law in English (en español)
August 1, 2022: Sandra Cardone on Mindfulness
July 25, 2022: OEC Commissioner Beth Bye
June 27, 2022: State of CT Comptroller Natalie Braswell and Team
Who is an essential worker? (Most child care workers will be 1b)
Click Here to apply or call: 833-660-2503. Hours: 9am – 4pm EST
June 6, 2022: State of CT Childhood Tax Credit
May 17, 2022: Jason Schwartz, Yale Public Health & OEC Commissioner Beth Bye
May 9, 2022: Legislative Wrap Up
April 25, 2022: Solar and Other Ways to Save Money
March 28, 2022: CT Paid Leave Authority
March 20, 2022: Day of Action Recap and Legislative Action Information
March 14, 2022: info Session on the March 15th Day of Action
March 7, 2022 Info Session on the March 15th Day of Action
February 7, 2022: The (Broken) Economics of Child Care Legislative Forum
One Page Summary including PowerPoint Available Here (Coming soon)
January 31, 2022: OEC Commissioner Beth Bye and Legislative Priorities
January 24, 2022: Senator Richard Blumenthal on Federal Legislation
January 10, 2022: Nathaniel Raymond, Yale on Public Health
January 3, 2022: OEC Commissioner Bye on Test and Mask Distribution
December 13, 2021: Simon Workman from Prenatal to 5 Finance Project on BBB and Cost of Quality
November 29, 2021: Brainstorming Build Back Better
November 15, 2021: OEC Commissioner Bye and Staff
November 8, 2021: No Guest
Nov. 1, 2021: Commissioner Beth Bye on BCIS Background Checks
October 6, 2021: Commissioner Beth Bye and OEC Staff on Background Checks and Vaccine Mandate
September 20, 2021: Diane Schilder, Urban Institute on Non Traditional Hours for Child Care
September 13, 2021: Vaccine Hesitancy and the 9/27 Mandate with: Dr. Lynn Sosa, DPH, Commissioner Beth Bye, OEC, Karen Lott and Mini Santosh, Center Directors
August 25, 2021: Industry Experts Talk COVID: OEC Commissioner Bye, Dr. Lynn Sosa, DPH, Nathaniel Raymond, Yale, State Comptroller, Kevin Lembo, Karen Siegel, HES
August 16th, 2021: OEC Commission Beth Bye and Dr. Sosa from CT DPH
July 19, 2021: OEC Commissioner Beth Bye
June 29, 2021: CT Women's Business Development Council, Stabilization Funds
June 14, 2021: Legislative Wrap-Up
June 2, 2021: Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro and OEC Commissioner Beth Bye
May 17, 2021: OEC Commissioner Beth Bye
May 10, 2021: OEC Commissioner Beth Bye
May 5, 2021: Chris Soto, SDE on Summer Camp Grant Program
April 21, 2021: CCDF Plan Merrill Gay
April 14, 2021: Early Childhood Advocacy Day
April 7, 2021: Nathaniel Raymond, Yale University: COVID-19 Public Health Update
March 29, 2021: OEC Commissioner Bye and the Vice President in CT
March 24, 2021: State Treasurer Shawn Wooden on Baby Bond Legislation
March 22, 2021: OEC Commissioner Bye and updates (she begins at roughly 25 minutes in)
March 17, 2021: Q & A and Commissioner Bye
March 15, 2021, Senator Richard Blumenthal Press Conference
March 10, 2021, Connecticut Small Business Development Center on Changes to PPP
March 3, 2021,OEC Commissioner Bye, CT Deputy COO, Michelle Gilman, and State Epidemiologist with DPH, Krista Veneziano,
March 1, 2021, Speaker of the House, Matt Ritter & OEC Commissioner Bye
Feb. 24, 2021, Let's Grow Kids Vermont Child Care Campaign
Webinar Recording Part 1 (there was bad quality so we had to start over)
Powerpoint Available Here
The public launch of Let's Grow Kids legislative campaign
A recorded press conference which incorporates many of the slides
Feb 22, 2021, Testifying in a Virtual Session with Rep. Robin Comey and Legislative Advocacy 101 with and Danny Medress
Feb 8, 2021, Commissioner Beth Bye
January 25, 2021, Danny Livingston, Labor Attorney
January 20, 2021, Updates and Business Info
January 13, 2021, Nathaniel Raymond
January 11, 2021, N. Chineye Anako, MPH, CHES
December 22, 2020: Lt. Gov & OEC Commissioner
December 15, 2020: COVID Straight Talk for Childcare
December 14, 2020: Commissioner Beth Bye
December 7, 2020: COVID Straight Talk
November 30, 2020: Paid Family Leave Authority
November 16, 2020: Background Checks
November 11, 2020: Albert Wat, Roadmap for Rebuilding Childcare
November 9, 2020: Nathaniel Raymond from Yale, Public Health and Childcare
October 28, 2020: All our Kin Presentation on Voting!
October 26, 2020: End Hunger CT! Getting Food Into Childcare
October 21, 2020: Connecticut Women's Business Development Council
October 19, 2020: Dr. Walter Gilliam on COVID in Childcare
Research Study Available Here (click "download pdf" to read it)
October 7, 2020: How to Get Kids Outside in Winter
October 5, 2020, Women's Business Development Council, CTAEYC
September 30, 2020, Tina Pascoe, Pediatric Nurse Consultant
September 23, 2020, Office of Early Childhood Commissioner Beth Bye
Webinar Recording Available Here (Commissioner Bye begins at minute 28)
September 16, 2020, Office of Early Childhood Commissioner Beth Bye
September 9, 2020, Office of Early Childhood Commissioner Beth Bye
August 31, 2020, Nathaniel Raymond: Public Health and Safety in Early Care Environments
August 26, 2020: Georgia Goldburn on DCF Issues in Childcare
August 24, 2020: Governor Ned Lamont
August 5, 2020, Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro
August 3, 2020, Deb Flis from Office of Early Childhood
June 27, 2020, Nathaniel Raymond: Public Health and Reopening Childcare
June 13, 2020, Senator Richard Blumenthal
June 26, 2020, $10aDay Canada Child Care Plan
June 22, 2020, Paid Family and Medical Leave
June 15, 2020, OEC Commissioner Beth Bye
June 10, 2020, Congressman Joe Courtney
May 20, 2020, DCF Payment Issues
May 8, Virtual VITA
May 6, Mental Health Survival Strategies with Jill Humphrey
May 4, General Q & A
Follow Up Q & A Available Here (we are updating as fast as possible)
May 1, Dr. John Schreiber, CCMC on Childhood Vaccine Rates During COVID-19
April 29, Deputy Commissioner of Dept. of Labor, Dante Bartolomeo
April 27, Commissioner Beth Bye & State Epidemiologist Lynn Sosa
April 24, Tommy Sanchez, Anasan Credit Repair
April 22, CT Women's Business Council
April 20, 4th District Congressman, Jim Himes
April 15, 5th District Congresswoman Jahana Hayes
April 14, OCC & CDC Hosted a Webinar to guide child care programs that remain open.
April 10, CT Small Business A Helping Childcare Providers
March 26, 2020 Webinar on Unemployment Law and Unemployment Documents
March 25, 2020 Advocacy Day Documents
Upcoming Events: Click Here for all upcoming Events and webinar links.