The Connecticut Recovery Bridge Loan Program will provide emergency cash flow relief to small businesses and nonprofits negatively impacted by COVID-19. Through this program, Connecticut is now offering qualifying organizations with 100 or fewer employees access to no-interest loans.
The results of a recent survey conducted by the Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD) found that the most critical need for Connecticut businesses is assistance with cash flow.The Connecticut Recovery Bridge Loan Program will provide short-term loans to eligible businesses and nonprofits.
To be considered for this program, your business or nonprofit must:
Have no more than 100 employees
Be in good standing with the Department of Revenue Services (DRS) & DECD
Have been profitable prior to March 10, 2020— with no adverse personal credit reports 60 days past due the past six months
Not be involved in real estate, multi-level marketing, adult entertainment, cannabis or firearms; nor be a state elected public official or state employee
Click HERE to learn more about the Connecticut Recovery Bridge Loan Program.
To start you application, click HERE.
If you have any questions about this loan program call 800-500-2333 or email decdCTrecovery@ct.gov.
For the latest information, resources, executive orders, and guidance related to coronavirus (COVID-19), visit ct.gov/coronavirus.